Release date: May 4, 2023
New Features
- New and improved Target report.
- New and improved Scheduled Test report.
- New SAML SSO enterprise authentication option.
- iPerf tests now show TCP retransmission.
- New Incidents API.
- Role-based access for Agent Interactive Console.
+ Agent: Improved communication for Agents connected using WebSocket.
+ API: Added Google Meet as an available SaaS target template.
+ API: Emails where multiple Contacts are provided now send an individual email per Contact instead of one email for all Contacts for improved privacy.
+ API: Improved query performance when retrieving Access Point Connections.
+ API: Added Last Result filter to Scheduled Test Result endpoint.
+ UI: Improved DateRange Picker for selecting a time range when using the historical Test graph.
+ UI: Improved the overall performance and responsiveness when selecting agents during Target, Scheduled Test, and Report creation and updates.
+ UI: Users will now be displayed the Login page when their session expires instead of silently failing API requests.
+ UI: Added helper text when creating a new Target using DNS Target Template to add multiple nameserver IP addresses as a comma separated list.
+ UI: When viewing a Scheduled Test the results graph now displays the unit of measure in tooltip.
Bug Fixes
* Agent: Resolved issue where missing setup files was preventing manual setup Docker Agent.
* Agent: Resolved issue where Agent would send multiple wired interfaces which in some cases cause reporting of an inactive interface for the Agent instead of the active interface.
* Agent: Resolved issue where Agent would receive identical commands from the Server causing the * Agent to crash.
* Agent: Resolved issue where Agent upgrade would fail.
* Agent: Resolved some issues that would cause the MacOS Agent to crash.
* Agent: Resolved issue where some VoIP errors would cause invalid messages to the server.
* Agent: Resolved issue where Path Analysis Test would fail when Agent is on a VPN.
* Agent: Resolved issue where wireless Agents attempting to connect to an SSID that contains a unencoded character would prevent the Agent from connecting to the server.
* API: Resolved issue where using the "Copy Invite Link" provided an invalid url, administrators can now generate new invitation links.
* API: Resolved issue where disabling of TLS in the SMTP setting did not actually disable TLS when sending emails.
* API: Resolved issue where changes to Wifi Profiles were not being emitted to the UI.
* API: Resolved issue where API would sometimes send identical commands to Agents which could cause an Agent to crash.
* API: Resolved issue where Target status and alerts were not longer showing for users with Public dashboards.
* API: Resolved issue where Azure and Google Cloud Platform agents would show as FastE.
* API: Resolved issue where Tests were not being created under certain conditions during Target creation.
* API: Resolved issue where Weekly Status Report would fail send due to empty data.
* API: Resolved issue where Test counts would report zero when adding an offline Agent to a Target that did not have already assigned Agents.
* API: Resolved issue where Anomaly Detection Incident Thresholds were showing as "undefined".
* API: Resolved issue where Anomaly Detection Incident Thresholds would show 0% and "undefined" after update.
* API: Resolved issue where User would be presented a JSON response when an SSO Enterprise Authentication option failed to provide necessary User information instead of redirecting the User to the Login page with an error message.
* API: Resolved rendering issues for the Weekly Summary Report email that are present when viewing the email in Microsoft Outlook.
* Server: Resolved issue where updates to a Path Analysis Test flows would not be sent to Agents.
* Server: Resolved issue where Server would send old Test States before Agent has received up-to-date Test states causing old Tests to start running and returning results that are discarded.
* Server: Resolved issue where NetBeez would fail to install on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
* Server: Resolved reported dependency CVEs in relation to the PagerDuty integration.
* Server: Resolved issue where root CAs installed by customers would not be used causing servers to be unable to retrieve new NetBeez versions.
Server: Resolved issue where in some cases Test Statistics failed to be recalculated.
* UI: Resolved issue when errors triggered by an invalid cron value would prevent other inputs from being editable during Scheduled Test creation.
* UI: Resolved issue where adding a Target to an Agent using the "Assign Targets" menu option when viewing an Agent's details would cause new tests to show an unknown state instead of running state.
* UI: Resolved issue where adding an unreachable or offline Agent to a Target the Agent's Tests would not show up in the Test grid when viewing the Agents details.
* UI: Resolved issue where the Add Target and WiFi buttons presented in the sidebar only showed the plus icon with no label.
* UI: Resolved issue where Weekly Status Reports, which currently don't have a UI to display the report, were shown in Reports List.
* UI: Resolved issue where the "My Reports" checkbox when viewing the Report List would not filter Report List to only the User's Reports.
* UI: Resolved issue where Target column when creating a Network Status report was not being validated.
* UI: Resolved issue where Critical and Performance Alert filters would become unreadable when a large number of Alerts exist.
* UI: Resolved issues where Contacts could not be removed from Targets.
* UI: Removed issue where an Agent Test grid would not show the correct state after being added to a Target unless browser was refreshed.
* UI: Resolved issue where WiFi Incidents would not be displayed when viewing the WiFi list unless browser was refreshed.
* UI: Resolved issue where Agent Report would report the wrong number of Incidents.
* UI: Resolved issue where bandwidth value would get overridden when editing an iPerf Test.