UI: Reports that show warning occurrences will display a message that now warnings occurred within the period instead of showing the table.
UI: Improve display of Network Speed test and periodic test graphs on reports.
UI: Improved wording around Target email configuration to make it more clear about globally configured contacts.
Bug Fixes
Agent: Fixed issue where Network Agent WiFi scan output showed unicode hex rather than special character.
Agent: Fixed issue that in some cases would prevent the Agent from obtaining its external IP address.
Agent: Fixed found memory leak.
Agent: Updated version of curl to remediate vulnerability.
Agent: Fixed issue where Agents connected to the server via TCP Socket and it runs a Network Speed test a SSL_shutdown failed error cloud occur.
API: Fixed issue where supplied from email address was not being used.
API: Fixed issue where in some cases Scheduled Test Reports would fail to generate.
API: Fixed issue where in some cases a WifiHoppingGroup would fail to be deleted.
API: Fixed issue where Targets could sometimes not be updated when an Agent that was assigned to it failed to be deleted.
API: Fixed issue where historical results were missing information.
API: Added manual workaround that can be configured by Support for cases where consumers of the Enterprise SAML Authentication option run into issues with SubjectConfirmation being invalid.
API: Fixed issue where in some cases multiple copies of the same test were being generated when on Target creation.
API: Fixed issue where in some cases an Agent's Network Interface would fail to update.
API: Fixed issues where Destination is always 'N/A' when looking at the alerts tab, proper destination is now returned if available.
API: Fixed issue where in some cases Agent Reports would fail to generate. Server: Fixed issue with Agent's failing to register when Agent name includes a non-latin character.
UI: Fixed issue where in some cases Scheduled Test Report performance graphs would be empty.
UI: Fixed an issue where DNS tests were not allowing IP addresses to be used.
UI: Fixed issue where Traceroute historical graphs were not appearing correctly when time window appears.
UI: Fixed issue where setting up a VPN Target Template using and IP address and FQDN would display Target resources in unexpected way.
UI: Fixed issue where a Deleted agent would continue to show in the Agent sidebar unless browser was refreshed.
UI: Fixed issue where Agent name could run under the Agent Type icon when viewing the Agent List.
UI: Fixed issue where viewing VoIP tests graph value tooltips would not include MOS values.
UI: Fixed issue where some iPerf configuration values were not saved.
UI: Fixed issue where Settings Invite User model would retain error messages from previous interaction.
UI: Fixed issue where the header bar of a realtime graph displayed incorrectly.
UI: Fixed issue when selecting a different Enterprise Authentication option did not update enable/disable toggle of the other options.
UI: Fixed email address validation when entering them for Settings SMTP Notification settings.
UI: Fixed issue where redundant events were being triggered and processed.
UI: Fixed issue where Users using Firefox could not log in without manipulating the browser URL.
UI: Fixed issue where creating a new Alert template may cause a validation error to incorrectly display.
UI: Fixed issue where in some cases Target create/edit address validation was not working correctly.
UI: Fixed issue where Settings User's could have their role updated via the edit menu despite Enterprise Authentication option being enabled and that option's role mapping turned on.
UI: Fixed issue where Ad Hoc test may use the wrong interface for testing.
UI: Fixed issue where in some cases Network Status Report would be created but also receive an error message.
UI: Fixed small display issue on the Buzz tab Incidents tables.
UI: Fixed issue where Test grid on Agent Details where HTTP tests would appear on separate rows.
UI: Fixed issue where iPerf/VoIP/Network Speed Test graph tooltips don't show SSID.
UI: Fixed issue where a Deleted Agent where Scheduled Tests still existing still shows in list.
UI: Fixed issue where read-only and read-write users could not use the Agent console when Settings were enabled.
UI: Fixed issue where HTTP test shows `null` as proxy port when proxy is enabled.