Configure SMTP Notifications

Configure SMTP Notifications

NetBeez can be configured to send alert notifications via email (SMTP).  These settings enable you to set up NetBeez with an SMTP server and to specify which notifications are sent. 

Procedure for Configuring SMTP Notifications

To enable email notifications via SMTP:
  1. Access NetBeez Settings by clicking the gray cog icon in the upper right of the dashboard
  2. Access the SMTP Notification Settings tab and click or slide the button to the On position.
  3. Insert the following information:
    1. SMTP server (required): The IP address or fully qualified hostname of the SMTP server.
    2. SMTP server port (required): Available ports are 587, 465, 25, and 2525.
    3. Username (optional): Specify the username in case the server requires authentication.
    4. Password (optional): Specify the password associated with the username in case the server requires authentication.
    5. Enable TLS (optional): Select the checkbox if TLS is needed.
    6. From email (required): Define the email address from which the alert notifications will be sent.
    7. SMTP Authentication (required): Specify plain, login, or MD5-CRAM
  4. Click Save SMTP Settings.
  5. Click Send Test Email and then specify the recipient to verify that emails are successfully sent and received.
By default, any test configured before this procedure won't have the SMTP alert enabled. You must manually enable each test for email alerts.

Procedure for Configuring Email Notifications

See this document for configuring email notifications: LINK

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