Release Notes - Version 1.0.11
Release Notes - Version 1.0.11
Stefano Gridelli
- Secured the TCP agent sockets
- Scheduled Tests: Ability to schedule tests in a crontab-like manner
- Scheduled Iperf: 1 Agent to 1 Agent, Many Agents to 1 Iperf Server
- Scheduled Speedtest: Bandwidth testing with a well-known list of servers
- Scheduled VoIP: Simulated voice testing
- TCP Port Ping testing
- PathSolutions Integration
- SlackBot implementation for ad-hoc testing (PING, DNS, HTTP, Traceroute)
- Automatic Licensing and Billing
- Support for WiFi 802.11 AC
- Added the ability to re-send user invitations
- Open alerts listing has been improved
- Added a Wireless connectivity alert trigger
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