Release Notes - Version 14.3
Stefano Gridelli
New Features
- Scheduled Tests on Agent Groups
- Enable IPv6 support for DNS
- Onboarding: Include a default network speed test (NDT)
- Unreachable Agents Data Retention
- API: Add a deduplication key to alerts and incident id to incidents for webhook payloads.
- API: Increase the field length for webhook urls to 1024 characters.
- UI: Add jitter and MOS estimate to gateway target. Add more explanation text for each target template.
- UI/API: Allow international characters in First/Last Name.
- Commsrv: Allow TLS cipher list override for TCP socket (port 20018).
- UI: make Tx/Rx values dynamic on the network interface details.
- API: Performance improvement on Stopped tests cleanup.
- API: Salesforce My Domain target is named Sharepoint once created.
- UI: Got "Invalid date" when selecting today's date for software update.
- API: When a Scheduled Test gets deleted while a run is ongoing then the locks don't get cleaned up.
- API: Test Results Endpoint Returns 422 if Cardinality Filter Used.
- API: SQLite has some negative start and end ip values.
- Backend: Ipinfo fix to include more ASNs.
- UI: Default interface option for targets.
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