WiFi View: WiFi Details

WiFi View: WiFi Details


The NetBeez Dashboard offers a detailed view of each WiFi Network.  The detailed view displays the status and performance data on the WiFi Network gathered by wireless Agents assigned to it.  The header displays the security type and reconnection interval or any associated Hopping Groups, whichever is applicable.  The Incident display shows current and recent WiFi incidents. Visualizations for WiFi incident occurrence and performance distribution also serve as filters. Performance metrics provide insight into the quality of the WiFi Network experience, as reported by the assigned Agents.  The Alerts section displays recent alerts from the assigned Agents.  In this view, users are able to specify the time window

To access detailed information about a WiFi Network, click on the WiFi network from the main WiFi View.

WiFi Settings

To access the WiFi Settings, users can click on the settings cog in the upper right corner of the WiFi details page. Under the settings popover menu, users can:

  • Pause All Tests - Pause all tests of agents associated with the WiFi profile.
  • Resume All Tests - Resume all tests of agents associated with the WiFi profile.
  • Configure WiFi Network - Opens modal to configure the WiFi network such as network name, SSID, description, periodically reconnect, verify network connectivity, pre-shared key, and band.
  • Delete WiFi Network - Deletes the WiFi profile.
  • Edit Agent Assignment - Edit which agents are associated with the WiFi profile.


WiFi incidents are created when a percentage of tests in an alerted state conducted by agents assigned to a WiFi profile passes the user-defined threshold.  This type of incident reporting is intended to help you identify issues with wireless performance. 

Example: A WiFi Profile with two agents connected, each running a ping test. If the user-defined threshold in Settings > Anomaly Detection is set to 75%, both ping tests would need to be in an alert state in order for the incident to trigger on the WiFi profile.

See the Anomaly Detection documentation for more information on setting user-defined thresholds.


The filtering section allows for filtering the performance metrics section by agent status, agent performance, and connectivity status.

Filter Agent Status

Filtering by agent status is a ring graph consisting of all the agents attached to the WiFi network. Current agents that are connected are represented with green and current disconnected agents are represented with red.

Example: Clicking on the green will show the performance metrics in the below section for all agents that are currently connected. Clicking on the red will show the performance metrics in the below section for all agents that are currently connected.

Filter By Agent Performance

Filtering by agent performance consists of a dropdown and graph displaying agents that fall into certain subsections. The dropdown inputs consist of:

  • Link Quality
  • Signal Strength
  • Bit Rate

After selecting a dropdown, the graph will update with which agents are associated with which buckets of data. Clicking on one of the bars in the graph will display those agents in the WiFi Metrics section below.

Example: Clicking the 'Link Quality' dropdown option, the number of agents is along the Y-axis, and the link quality percentage is along the X-axis. The number of agents will be split into different buckets. Clicking on one of the bars will then only display those agents in the WiFi performance metrics section below.

Filter Agents By Connectivity Status

Filtering by agents' connectivity status consists of the four connectivity steps and which agents passed or failed at which steps:

  • Association - The agent establishes a connection with the WiFi access point, indicating its presence and readiness to communicate.
  • Authentication - The device undergoes a security check to confirm its identity and credentials before being granted access to the WiFi network.
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) - The device obtains an IP address and network configuration parameters automatically from a DHCP server, ensuring proper communication within the network.
  • Network - The device is now fully connected to the Wi-Fi network, allowing data transmission and reception between the device and other networked entities.

Clicking on passed or failed at any step will filter the WiFi performance metrics in the below section with the agents that were selected.

Example: Three agents are associated with a WiFi profile. Two of the agents successfully connect at each step. One of the agents fails at each step. Clicking the failed box under association will filter out the WiFi performance metrics section and display results only for the one agent that failed at each step.

WiFi Performance Metrics

The WiFi performance metrics section consists of metrics for agents connected to the WiFi profile. Access point events can be toggled on or off. Agents in this section can be filtered out using the filters in the above section. 

Toggle Access Point Events

Clicking the Toggle AP Events will toggle on and off the access point events in the graphs (green and red lollipop icons).


Agents for the WiFi performance metrics section will be listed on the left side of the component. Connected agents will have a solid green circle next to their name and disconnected agents will have a dark grey circle next to their name. 

The agent's BSSID will be listed under the agent's name. A BSSID, or Basic Service Set Identifier, is a unique identifier assigned to each basic service set (BSS) within a wireless local area network (WLAN). It is the MAC address of a specific access point in a Wi-Fi network. The BSSID helps distinguish and address data to a particular access point when multiple access points exist within the same overall wireless network. 

The colored square next to the agent's name indicates what color in the performance graphs is associated with that agent. 


The WiFi metrics reported for each agent are:

  • Link Quality (%) - Represents the percentage of successfully transmitted and received data packets over the wireless connection, indicating the overall reliability of the link.
  • Signal Strength (dbm) - Measures the power level of the received signal in decibels (dbm), indicating the strength or intensity of the WiFi signal.
  • Bit Rate (mbps) - Indicates the data transfer rate in megabits per second (mbps) between the agent and the WiFi network, reflecting the speed of data transmission.
  • Channel - Specifies the communication frequency channel on which the wireless connection operates, helping to avoid interference and optimize network performance.


WiFi profiles with connected agents running tests that are in an alert state trigger WiFi alerts. The graph indicates how many warnings and critical alerts are present on the WiFi profile at a given point in time. The alert log shows information about the alert such as:

  • Timestamp
  • Type (Ping, DNS, HTTP, Traceroute)
  • Source
  • Destination
  • Message
  • Action - Clicking the icon shows the historical graph of the test.

Note:  The log only displays alerts that have been opened or closed during the current time window.  The recent alerts graph displays ongoing alerts during the time period.  Due to the nature of the data, the recent alert graph can show ongoing alerts while the log remains empty.

To learn more about adding and configuring WiFi Networks, see: Add/Edit WiFi Network.

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