SSID Hopping Overview

SSID Hopping Overview

SSID hopping enables WiFi Agents to hop between multiple SSIDs, in effect making them capable of monitoring multiple WiFi networks.  The hopping capability extends WiFi monitoring and testing possibilities, especially in environments with multiple SSIDs that cover the same area.

For each WiFi network a hopping Agent monitors, separate test instances are created, making direct performance comparison between WiFi network performance easier than ever.

Note:  If an Agent is reassigned to monitor a different WiFi network or group of WiFi networks, test instances for WiFi networks it is no longer monitoring will be purged, and new test instances will be created for newly assigned WiFi networks.


Hopping Groups

The SSID hopping is accomplished by Hopping Groups, which are essentially configuration profiles that group together Agents and the WiFi Networks they are to hop between.

The selected Agents will regularly hop, at a user-determined interval, between the assigned WiFi networks.  For the most accurate data comparisons, all Agents in the Hopping Group will hop in unison to the same WiFi network so that they all collect data from the WiFi networks at the same time.


For instructions on adding and managing Hopping Groups, please see:

Add/Edit Hopping Group


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