The NetBeez dashboard offers the ability to group agents together for convenience. You also have the ability to assign Targets and Scheduled Tests to an Agent Group. Doing so would automatically set the Agents who are part of this Agent Group to monitor those Targets and Scheduled Tests.
Add a new Agent Group:
Click Manage Agent Groups.
Click + Add Agent Group.
Name your group and select the agents to be added to the group.
Click Targets to add targets to the Agent Group. Adding Targets to a group makes the agents that are part of this group, monitor these targets.
Click Scheduled Tests to add scheduled tests to the Agent Group. Adding Scheduled Tests to a group makes the agents that are part of this group run the associated scheduled tests.
Click Save.
Edit an Agent Group:
On the Agent Group Menu, click the ‘...’ button. Then click Edit.
Make edits and click Save.
Set a Default Agent Group
You have the ability to set one agent group as the default group. Newly configured/connected agents will then be automatically placed in the default Agent Group. New agents will inherit the Targets associated with that group and start monitoring them immediately.
On the Agent Group menu, click the ‘...’ button and click Set As Default.
Click Set Default Group.